Sunday, June 11, 2006

When June and a full moon collide it is an excruciatingly
glorious occasion. It rather steals ones breath away.

Let me review some June highlights leading up to
last nights full moon.

1. Princess Daugter got her first (maybe her last?) home-
run this week. Comment overheard by her mom as
Princess Daughter was talking to her dad--"Dad, everytime
I think about it I just get happy all over.

2. I missed this historic homerun because I was at a JOY
Meeting. (JOY is the name of the women's group at our
church that meets monthly to eat and talk.) Comment
overhead by me as I was following my friends Ruth and
Angela out to the cars--"Everytime I tell the people at
work we are having a JOY meeting they think I say I am
going to a jailhouse wives meeting."

3. Same friend Ruth as mentioned in above comment led
me to commit one major Faux Pas. She wanted me to ask
our mutual Chinese friend, Yong, to teach our VBS kids
Oragami. Comment heard by me when I asked Yong to
teach Oragami to kids--"What is oragami?"

4. Yesterday's softball games were played in 101 degree
heat. 19 year old son was being third-base coach. His game
wasn't 'till later. Comment heard by third baseman on
other team as I came up to bat--"Go, Mom." Comment
heard by catcher as third baseman on other team came
up to bat--"You do not look old enough to be his mother."
And he is not even my oldest son. Chuckle. Being 4'9" has
its advantages. Hitting homeruns is not one of them.

5. Sweet comment heard by me after I related above story to
husband--"You do look young, and not just because you
are short." He, however has a head full of grey hair. Am I
that hard to live with?

Life is just plain fun sometimes.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

Very funny! Great quotes by your family... often funnier than jokes.