Saturday, May 05, 2018

Tyler put some oranges out on the hummingbird feeders and we have
been enjoying a host of Northern Orioles.

They really, really like orange slices.

The other day, I was watching Kathleen and Judah.  After they had been with
me for several hours, I changed Judah's diaper.  When I picked up the old
diaper, to throw it out, I found that it was the new one, and the old one was
back on the baby.

So, I took the old one off and put the new one on again.  But then I couldn't
close it up because I had it on backwards.  Sigh.  Four kids, 8 grandbabies,
2 on the way, and I couldn't get a clean diaper on that poor child.  Kathleen said
something along the lines of, "Grandma, I think you need a brain switch."

But, on a brighter note, she was my sous chef for the day.  She did a fine job,
though she didn't really like the feel of the hamburger when we were patting
out the patties.

We took the bull to the butcher.  He has foot problems, and we always have
a problem keeping young heifers away from the bull.  We have a pretty little
heifer that we want to keep, so it seemed like a good time to turn Mr. Bull
into hamburger.

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