Wednesday, April 10, 2019

True Confession:  I love mushrooming, but in all the years I have done
so, I have never, until today, found a morel.

Thank you to Tyler for organizing a morel hunting trip in his morel sweet
spot!  The kids loved it too, but I must admit, I think they loved playing
in the nearby creek even more.

Here is Peter with two of the delicious morsels.

And, here is Adeline with the catch of the day.  Now to clean and cook

It reminds me of a story G'ma Opal once told me.  She had gone down
Over the Hill to the creek to fish.  While she was climbing back up the
hill with her stringer of fish, she tripped and fell flat on the ground.  As
she lay there for a second, she glanced in front of her and she had
landed right by a group of morels.  She was thrilled!  She collected those
babies and took them home to eat with her fish.

Today was a delicious, warm, windy, sunshiny, woodsy, morely day!

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