Sunday, October 15, 2017

I wanted to use this picture, because it shows G'ma Opal in a dress,
and the story I want to tell is about G'ma Opal and a dress.  But, when
I looked closer at the picture, I had to giggle.  She does have on a
dress, but she also has on sweat pants. 

The Dress Story happened many, many years ago in Fernnook.
G'ma Opal wasn't a grandma yet; she was just a mommy.  She took
one or two of her little boys by the hand and they all walked down
Over The Hill to The Creek.  They went fishing and caught some
fish for dinner.  On the way home it started to rain.  That was a
big problem.  G'ma was wearing a rayon dress, and if you know
much about material, you know that rayon shrinks when it gets
wet.  It not only shrinks, it really shrinks!

Her dress was down past her knees when she started Up the Hill, but
it was far above her knees when she finally reached home.

A few days ago, in retelling this story to Debby (my SIL), Debby told
me her own rayon story.  She was coming home from school and had
on a rayon dress.  It started raining.  The problem was that this was in
the days of shorter dresses.  Her dress started off somewhere above her
knees and ended....too high to explain in polite company.  Her friend
was watching from the window of her home as Debby walked as fast
as possible toward her own home.  She said that she and her family got
quite a chuckle over Debby and the Rayon Dress.

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