Sunday, November 26, 2017

The past few weeks have zoomed by up and down the gravel.

That is partly because there have been lots of vehicles traveling up
and down the gravel.

First there was deer season.  That brought Bill and Stacey and the kids for a
weekend.  Bill got a deer, and he and Stacey processed it.  Then towards the
end of deer season, Bill and Stacey and the kids came back for a weekend
and brought their friend Justin.  This was Justin's first time hunting and
he got a nice buck early Saturday morning.  Bill, Justin, and Stacey took
care of that deer.

As an aside, Stacey made some nice salamini from the ground deer meat
that they took home.  She made us some spaghetti with it and it is yummy.

As Bill, Stacey, and Justin were leaving, the cousins began to arrive.  First
Bobby and family, then Annie and family (and Becky).  A few days later
Kinsey and family came.  Then in the middle of the week the Martin side
headed back to St. Louis, and the rest of Mike and Debby's kids came. 

Meanwhile we headed up to St. Louis for the Harding Thanksgiving and to
help move Opa and Oma's furniture into storage while their apartment is
being renovated due to the sprinkler set-off that Oma did a few weeks ago.

I was sure she would get Turkey-Of-The-Year at the Harding Thanksgiving
party, but the honor went instead to Bill and Stacey for the Great Gift-card

After the Harding Thanksgiving, Bill and Stacey and kids (and Kent and I)
all headed back to Fernnook to spend time with the Florida/Atlanta crew.

Of course thrown into the mix are all the relatives that live here.  Lots of
games and talk and laughter...and a few five year old girl dramas.  There
are too many of them that want to be boss (I guess they are following the
traditional Fleetwood motto..."If I can't be boss, I won't be there.")

Uncle Jim had a rough week health wise, but a dose of antibiotics is starting
to help him.  Tandy and Hattie have also been rather sick with colds.

The thing that is so amazing to me is that with all of the cooking that we
did this past week, and it was truly massive amounts that we made, I still
have to make dinner again tomorrow.  We always get hungry

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