Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Kathleen, Colyn, and Peeta are staying the week with us because Natalie
is in Georgia for her brother's kidney transplant.  We have been having
a rip-roaring time, and after they are in bed, we get to sharing the
different things they have said and done, and it is pretty amusing.

The kids were apparently given strict instructions about what to say 
and not to say while they are here.  I know this, because Kathleen 
keeps telling people what they are not supposed to say.  The other 
day she went up to Hattie and whispered in her ear, "Mom told us 
not to say the word 'fart' when we are here because Grandma Laurie 
doesn't like it.  We are supposed to say, 'toot,' instead. 

It is true, I have a thing about certain words.  I always had my kids say
"toot" because "fart" sounds so very crude.  My boys, when they want
to tease me, remind me that they were the only kids in Mayberry who
said, "toot".

Yesterday they were in the haybarn with Grandpa Kent.  This is what he
overheard Kathleen reminding her brothers, "Remember, don't say words 
like 'buttcrack' because Grandma Laurie doesn't like it."  Well, "butt"
is a crude word (in my dictionary).  I much prefer "bottom" or "bum"
or "rear end".  Just humor me, okay!

Kent told me this, and we laughed, but the real funny came at dinner time
yesterday.  It was just the kids and me and we were talking about manners.
Kathleen (yes she loves to talk) was getting onto Colyn for not saying,
"Excuse me," when he burped.

Here is what she said.  "Well, I have manners.  Well, I have one manner that
is.  I say, 'Excuse me,' when I burp.  Well, I do have one other manner.   I say,
'Excuse me,' when I (hesitation clearly visible on her face) toot."

Her dad used to be the policeman of his brothers also.  They were on a trip
with Opa & Oma one time when he was about 9.  They were all watching
something on TV and there was kissing.  So Joel ordered, "Cover your eyes,
boys."  And to this day, Oma hoots over the way they all instantly obeyed,
and the three boys all turned their heads and covered their eyes.

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