Tuesday, January 30, 2018

First it was a Cooper's Hawk.  Someone found it and it couldn't
fly, so they called Tyler to come get it.

Then a Turkey Vulture joined the Hawk.  They were both in what
Tyler and Jenn call the dungeon under their rental home.  Feeding
the two birds was a bit time consuming.  The vulture had a hole
in it's wing.  He was being called Gonzo.

The hawk was let go after several days, but Gonzo was still being
cared for.

Then a Red Morph Eastern Screech Owl came to join Gonzo.  He
only stayed in the dungeon overnight though.  In the morning he
was brought to Fernnook and released.  He happily flew off into
a nearby thicket.

He must have just been stunned the night before.

Gonzo should be released soon.  Apparantely 2 weeks is the limit
before a bird will begin to lose muscle tone in their wings.

Life is always so interesting in Fernnook.

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