Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The other morning I went to fairyland.  True, it was a tick-infested
fairyland...but one mustn't complain about such things.  There were
a few friendly spiders there as well, but lucky for them, I like most

I got up early, before the break of dawn, and on Pa's borrowed mule, I
drove behind the old barn a ways.  Then I took my trusty flashlight and
other supplies (just in case) and found a tree stand left over from last
year's deer season.

Then I climbed up into the stand and waited.  I waited for the world to
wake up.  It was lovely and loud.  The birds are so loud.  The whipporwills
slowly quieted, but all the rest were waking up.

I was disappointed though because I had hoped to see some critters.  You
know, squirrels, skunks, fox, badgers...anything.  Maybe a porcupine or
armadillo would come wandering I thought.  I waited and waited
and waited.  Then decided it wasn't going to happen and it seemed to
be getting late.

So, I got on the mule and rode the long way back.  I passed the Martins
spot and went up Mike's lane.  When I got home and looked at the clock,
it was just 6:10 in the morning.  I think the critters were still sleeping when
I left fairyland and that is why I didn't see any.

I have enjoyed the spring this year.  Sometimes the lushness of the growth
seems almost wanton.  I saw a dobsonfly the other day.  It was a female.
I didn't know what it was and thought (very briefly) about trying to catch
it to show the grandies.  But it was midnight, and I was tired, so I didn't.
Good thing!  The females, so I learned, can deliver a nasty little nip.  The
males, while much more menacing looking, are harmless.

In case you are wondering, a female dobsonfly is about 2 inches long and
looks like this:

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