Wednesday, October 09, 2019

One more post about skunks.  I am not promising that this will be the last...
just that it is one more for now.

The other day Bill told the sequel to the big skunk that Uncle Jim got and
Pa hauled off.  Apparently Pa put the skunk on top of his tractor and drove
down the road and then turned down the lane to go to Mike's house.  I
s'pose he meant to chuck the skunk in the woods somewhere along the way
where it would not be an offense to anyone.

However, it fell off, right on the lane behind Bill and Stacey's home.  All
week, when the wind blew right, they kept smelling that skunk, but had
no idea where it was or why it was where it was.  Pa sure didn't tell them!
When Bill dropped in at Jim's one night, though, to watch a Cardinal game,
Jim gave him the lowdown on the smell, so now Pa is in deep doo-doo.

Meanwhile, we still have a small guy/gal visiting us nightly on our porch,
and I just kick myself when I forget and leave the cat's food out after dark.

Surely skunks hibernate and we will at least have a seasonal break from them.

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