Thursday, September 14, 2017

Yesterday a yellow garden spider took up residence in my kitchen
window.  That was convenient since I like yellow garden spiders
muchly.  All I had to do to see him (her actually, the males are not
so spectacular and I know it is a female because this spider is truly
spectacular) was to glance out the window.

Of course, if I wanted to watch her do her imitation of a spider on a
trampoline, I had to go outside and gently touch or blow on her.  If
you have never watched a yellow garden spider do her bouncy thing,
you have missed one of the little joys of life.

This morning when I stepped out on the porch, I heard a whirring noise.
It sounded as though there was a large insect caught in Miss Yellow
Garden Spider's web.  Indeed, there was something large caught, but it
wasn't an insect.  It was one of my hummingbirds.  The bird was hanging
by one wing and could not flutter loose.  Miss Spider was scooted off to
the side, I think she recognized that this meal was too big for her to handle.

A quick swipe through the web freed the hummer, but I am afraid that I
frightened Miss Spider away.  Maybe she will come back if I place some
curds and whey on the railing for her.


KFleeter said...

She's a fine looking creature 😃 Hope she comes back.

Laurie said...

She hasn't come back. But an even bigger one, with an egg sac
is living outside of the door-to-nowhere.