Wednesday, August 29, 2018

We traveled with Peter and Judah to Natalie's brother's wedding last week.
We volunteered to take the boys so that Natalie could stretch her poor legs
out in the back of the van.  It was a lovely wedding, but some funny things
happened along the way.

Peter, on the drive down, kept saying, "I don't see Georgia, I just don't see
Georgia."  We kept assuring him that, indeed, we were headed to Georgia
and would be there soon.  When we finally got to the airbnb place that we
had booked, he got out of the car and said with great distress in his voice,
"This ISN'T Georgia!"

That was when we realized that Grandma Joan and Grandpa Peter's house is
Georgia in that boy's mind.  Of course it is.  Every time they get in the van
and head to Georgia they go straight to the Gagliardi's house.

Peter also told me several times while they were with us that, "I do not like
pertatoes Grandma."

Judah just said over and over, "Go, go, go, go, et's go!"

But, I have to tell a funny on myself also.  When we sat down at the reception, we
were across from Natalie's uncle and his girlfriend, whom we had never met.  They
were lovely people.  We were just getting acquainted when I reached for my cup of
water and took a large swig of Italian dressing instead.  The dressing was in the same
type of cup as the drinks.  My eyes popped wide open, and I quickly set down the
cup of dressing.  Mike (the uncle) out of embarrassment for me picked it up and placed
it in front of his girlfriend, Jennifer.  She obviously didn't want anything to do with it,
after I had taken a swig from it, so she just shoved it aside.  Then we all chuckled and
settled down to enjoy the rest of the evening.

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