Grandaunt Lucille died yesterday. She was married to
my G'ma Opal's next older brother John. He died several
years ago. Lucille was not only my grandaunt, she was
also my neighbor. Her property backs up to ours.
Lucille taught me how to clean a chicken. That is a nasty
job and it only took me one time to decide not to repeat
it. I used to get my dill from her to make hot pickles.
She was a great gardener. She will be missed at the graveyard
dinner in August.
My funniest story though is not about her but about her husband,
John. He had big ears. They were huge and flappy. His last
name was Simon (which of course is G'ma Opal's maiden name.)
One day, when I was a rather young girl and visiting from The
Big City, I went up to the corner store. When I walked in
someone said to me, "You must be a Simon." I immediately
put my hands over my ears to see if they had changed on me
overnight without my noticing it. I couldn't imagine why
else anyone would think I was a Simon. It had to be the ears.
But, no, they were the same as ever. Guess I just had a Simon
air about me.
I'm so sorry to hear about your great-aunt -- I'm sure she was a treasure
hehe about the Simon story -- very cute
I'm sorry for your family's loss. :~(
But why in the world would they think you were Simon? :~)
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