'Twas a copperhead kind of weekend.
Kent and the boys moved the cows to the Old Homeplace. That
is Dad's 40 acres that corners up to the northwest of our
40 acres. They were cow sitting for a bit and they saw a
grand-daddy copperhead in the cistern. They done away with
the old boy (of course they collected him and he was so big
they had to show him off.) When they went to Uncle Jim's to
show him off they found that Jim had just gotten one in his
and G'ma Opal's yard. A bit later Kent killed a third one in
the cistern. This hot dry weather has them on the move and
angry. (My Dad asked how I know they are angry this time
of year.) I replied, "I just know it!"
1 comment:
ok, my skin is crawling
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