and gone. It was a lovely trip. Carolyn and Daryl
were duly married and are now in Argentina on their
honeymoon. Hattie was flower girl and here are a
few pictures of the wedding. My camera was on the
bum and only worked from time to time so the shots
are limited.

Les Miserables is both one of my favorite movies and
one of my favorite books. In the movie Jean Valjean
says to Cosette, as he is about to be taken away by
the French police and she is crying in despair, (I
paraphrase only because I cannot promise I have it
totally word for word), "It is right. I stole something;
I did. I stole happiness with you."
We stole some time on the beach. It was lovely. Windy
and cool, but lovely.

Welcome Back to Mayberry!
I really like the picture of the Martins/Fleetwoods!
glad you got some beach time!
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