Not thinking takes less energy, but I have grown to
appreciate all those who do think and then provide
me with a feast to enjoy.
Chrysalis and LeftCoast both nominated me for a Thinking
Blogger Award. Thank you to both of you ladies. I do
believe I am mostly in the "isn't life just plain funny"
category. But I am tickled that my bit of goofiness pleases

The rules for this meme, as well as its buttons, are here.
I enjoy reading blogs that make me think. Here are my
five nominations for this award.
1. Suitable For Mixed Company is always chock-filled
with information and interesting tidbits. I appreciate
her hard work in keeping up with interesting news.
2. Higher Up and Further In has thought provoking posts that
I greatly appreciate.
3. Wittingshire has to be one of my favorite blogs to read.
It is deeply thought provoking and the pictures are always
4. SPOGG, which promotes good grammer (which I am afraid I need
a good dose of from time to time) is both fun and thought
5. And finally, Irish Calvinist has had me saying, "Good thinking,"
more than once.
These are not the only blogs that make me think. Many have
already been nominated for the award, and I didn't want to
duplicate names. AND I totally avoided the Mayberry blogs
because I didn't want to cause a town feud.
New people to read!
Oh definitely deserve this!
I'll have to check some of these blogs out...
Have a blessed Easter, Laurie!
A nice list! I must visit the unfamiliar ones. (Wittingshire is awesome, indeed. And I forgot all about Higher Up...) Hugs!
Jessica beat you to it, Laurie, but I am so honored you think I think ;) I think I think, too, but I think there are many others who think more than I think. Oh dear, I think I need to stop thinking here...
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