Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Numbly Rambling. That about sums up the way my mind and
body have felt the last few days. This has been a summer filled
with (in my viewpoint) one huge event, short rest space, next huge
event, short rest space....etc.

Actually there are just five big events. But really, isn't that
enough for anyone?

First was the All-Church BBQ we always host at our farm in May.
It was a LOT of fun, but a LOT of work getting ready for and
cleaning up from.

Next was getting ready and participating in VBS. Writing puppet
scripts, putting together the power point, teaching a class and
hauling our computer back and forth each night so we could run
the power point was exhausting. But it was a great week. We
touching a lot of little lives.

Now I have a few weeks to prepare for the next biggie. We are
hosting my husband's family reunion the second weekend of July.
It will be a blast, but, since I am on site, I am in charge of menus,
making sure those who aren't staying in motels have beds here or
at my folks house, and of course the yard has to be readied. If it
weren't for company we wouldn't cut the grass!

Then less than a week after the reunion it is off to Mexico for my husband,
three of our kiddoes, and me. A group of fifteen from our little church
are going on to Cuernavaca for mission work with Campus Crusade for

Lastly, at the end of August we will be moving our middle son up to
St. Louis to begin his Sophomore year at Washington University. He
is a hometown boy and is not looking forward to this move. He is
already looking forward to next summer. The academic challenge in
pursuing his Electrical and Computer Engineering degrees is exciting
to him, but his heart is in Mayberry.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

Wow, I can totally relate. Spring and summer have brought one major event after another to our family. Lots of prep-work and clean-up. And I'm with you viz. cutting the grass! Thank goodness for visitors or the yardwork would be left undone. I just keep reminding myself how grateful I am to have a family. My single middle-aged (unsaved) sister lives alone and has no children. Even though she has an active business and social life, I feel so sorry for her at times. Aren't we blessed?