Sunday, June 04, 2006

There is something about an orphan story that is captivating.
A child, hopeless, homeless and alone, suddenly finds him/
herself wanted, loved, accepted and belonging. Think of some
of our best loved books: "Oliver Twist", "Jungle Book", "Anne
of Green Gables", "Emily of New Moon", "Jane Eyre", "The
Little Princess".

The same captivation holds for our story. We were orphans.
We were alone, hopeless and homeless. And then, by the
grace of God, we were made part of a family. We found a
place where we were valued, loved, accepted and at home.
We were adopted.

You can hear John shout with suprise and glee as he pens
these words in I John 3:1.

Behold, what manner of love the Father has
bestowed upon us, that we should be called
the sons of God.

And how thrilled Paul must have been to realize that
he, too, was now a part of God's eternal family.

Galatians 4:7

Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son,
and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.


Susannah said...

A timely post with Father's Day coming up (and Mother's Day not far behind us). Isn't it interesting that God created the family to be the fundamental unit of society? We crave the sense of "belonging" that comes with our human families. And yet, God places an even higher value on belonging to his family... the Church. I find that comforting to remember on the days when my family isn't behaving like the Cleavers.

Laurie said...

Yes I know. We can always count on His agape love...even when it is lacking elsewhere.