Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Life continues to amuse me here in Mayberry. Tonight at
Bible Study my friend Leita had us all giggling. Yesterday
she was just walking through her house barefoot when she
stepped down on a mouse. Apparantly the mouse just
happened to be zipping by as she was stepping. She had no
idea what the warm, furry thing was 'til she looked down.
She had smashed it. Yep, dead and bloody. Yuck!

I went home and was merrily switching the wash out of the
washer and putting it into the dryer. I was chattering to
Tyler as I was doing it, not paying much attention, then I
bent into the washer to scoop up the last few little things on
the bottom and there, right in front of my disbelieving eyes,
was a frog. Dead. How, you ask, did a frog get in my washer?
Good question. I guess from the fishing trip that Kent and Tyler
took yesterday down the middle of Logan Creek. See, when
you fish Logan Creek, the way my guys do, you don't do it
from the bank, and you don't do it from a boat. You wade it.
I'm thinking the frog swam into one of their pockets. I think
God kept me from finding that frog in the pocket as I was
checking them. "Tyler", said I, "there's like this frog thing in
the washer...could you um..." "No." "Billy, I need you! Please!"
Billy had mercy on his poor, overworked mumsie. Thank you,

1 comment:

Susannah said...

You have the neatest blog, Laurie. What a funny frog story! I hope you remember to tell that one to your grandkids.