Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Living in Mayberry is great. Last night we went down
to the ballpark to watch son number 3 ump. We saw
lots of people we knew. We visited with no less than
24 people from our church. In fact, when they turned
off the lights to the park we were still visiting. We stood
in a circle in the dark and Princess Daughter, who has
a lot of energy began running around the circle and
suddenly said, "goose" as she tagged Ruth. Ruth,
bless her heart, is game, very game, and she began to
chase Hattie around the circle. Hattie beat her to the
open spot and the game was on. Kent was holding a
folding chair when he got tagged and it opened up as
he ran. I learned from his mistake and put chair and
water down so my hands would be free. Steve tried to
cheat by cutting across the circle, but we nipped that in
the bud! Twas fun!

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